As I am sure it is with all chronic pain, it really can be all encompassing at times and I really hope that I am nearing the day when this is something that I look back on rather than it still being my reality. I am now at the stage where I can sit pretty comfortably to have my dinner, listen to the radio for a bit or even have a pint in a beer garden (if gulped!). It is a funny time as you begin to get glimpses of what life was like before and what it can hopefully be again! It almost feels like the nearer that becomes to reality the more agonising the blow would be if it does not quite work out. That is why I have continued to slowly build up the sitting rather than rush things too much. I had my first little setback a few weeks ago when I must have overdone something and for a few days I was not a happy chap, whereas on the whole I have been so much happier post op than I was before it. It was a useful reminder to just keep plugging away and let time pass by until I reach the situation where things have improved to the extent that things are 'back to normal'.
I have now done three one-to-one yoga classes, gradually building it up with each one as well as doing some stretches most days in between. Carefully stretching the pelvic and lower back area seems to help. I am also swimming about 500m twice a week and can pretty much walk where I want now within reason. I would not fancy going for a jog just yet - that can wait for now!
I have also begun to get a little impatient for the first time since the op. It is now starting to feel like a long time and I am also conscious that it could be a good while yet before 'back to normal' exists. There is of course the scenario whereby 'back to normal' never quite comes, but I am doing everything right to give myself every chance. As I have said before it is just a case of doing what you gotta do. It is a long journey, and you learn a lot along the way, but hopefully this is a ride that will end soon and I can sit down and look to the future.