Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Long term view

As we approach the end of 2016, I am quite aware that I am approaching 2 years since the operation. Things have continued to improve over the course of this year, albeit at a slower and less noticeable rate. I now sit for up to about 7 hours most work days - over the course of the day, and never for more than about an hour without moving about a bit. There is some discomfort some of the time, but I have come to accept that this is just from the scar area – and something that will hopefully continue to lessen over time as things continue to adapt and my body learns to forget the last few years. I think a lot of those pain pathways became ‘hard-wired’ and it just takes time for the body accept the new happier situation! We shall see.

All in all the operation has changed my life really. I can now sit down, whereas the previous years before the operation I had to rely on the coccyx cushion which I carried everywhere (and that was seriously uncomfortable!). That in itself is a game-changer. The next challenges are continuing to get even fitter. I have been able to maintain decent fitness through swimming, walking and yoga but I am now keen to kick on a bit. I have begun using the cycling machine in the gym as well as doing some light weight workouts. My legs are pretty fatigued and my feet are sore from the last few years of standing static at a computer so I am keen to get back running and playing some sports in 2017. I hope that the fitter I become the more any scar and peripheral discomfort will reduce off more. We had a little boy in March so the added incentive is to be fighting fit so I can do lots with him over the coming years. Here's to continued progress and the future!

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Kiss me where the sun don't shine...

This week has seen me hit the year mark since the operation! I cannot quite believe it and am not sure what to think really as I purposefully tried not to have too many expectations - it seemed pointless and a recipe for disappointment. Room 302 in Paris seems like an age ago now. Clearly though, I am happy with progress and glad that I made the decision to have the operation. I am also pretty pleased with how I have dealt with it all as it certainly is a lengthy recovery and life has been quite hectic in the meantime - life goes on though thank goodness, even if can test you at times. As I have said before, I have learnt a lot - not that I would necessarily have chosen to, but you have to play the cards in your hand!

There is still some progress to be made but hopefully I am on the right track. I am sitting for about 4 hours over a day now and hope that when the milder weather kicks in this will also help. I have begun driving the car short distances which has been good - the pure joy of being more independent and not reliant on lifts or lying in the back unable to see!! The lower back and abdominal tightness continues as a result of all the standing and probably a little bit of tension remaining when I do sit. I am continuing to persevere with sitting and exercise on the basis that this will reduce over time - and the benefits of exercise outweigh any short term discomfort. I am now doing a fairly advanced yoga class twice a week and swimming in between. Despite being pretty knackered from the last year I am in OK shape which is nice. I can't wait to be able to have a kick about with a football or go for a jog. If I get back on a bike at any point then that would be an added bonus!

In other news, my wife is pregnant so there will be a new little person about the place soon. This is slightly daunting but great to have something new and positive to focus on. It also means nobody asks me about my back anymore - bonus!! It does mean that life is likely to become more demanding though and I have had to start stepping up and doing more, which over the first 6 months or so was less possible. The lyric above is from one of my favourite songs and I hope that as we look ahead it applies to me!! It seems quite apt in every sense, and it is definitely about time.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Keep on keeping on

Today marks 11 months since the operation. In some ways the time has gone fast but it also feels like Paris was an age ago. It is certainly a long old process this recovery, and one that continues to test my patience. As I have mentioned before tough, it has taught me a lot! The general trajectory continues to be positive which is what I have to keep reminding myself. As more time passes by you notice the improvements less and this is coupled with wanting to see them even more! 

I am doing more though, for sure. I have started sitting in the passenger seat of the car for short periods of time, sitting on the sofa a bit in the evenings, enjoy the novelty of sitting on public transport again - and generally sitting more and more. Some days this week I sat for 3.5 hours a day in lots of 20 and 30 minute blocks. The colder damper weather recently seems to have increased the discomfort into the internal scar tissue but nothing to be too concerned by hopefully. I could perhaps sit more than I do but I am continuing with the slowly slowly approach so as to reduce the chance of a flare up and any time off work and general disappointment that a 'setback' brings.

The trigger points and discomfrort into the glutes and lower back are still kicking about and I have been having some physio to try and keep it all ironed out as much as possible. I think these will be hard to get rid of until I am sitting more and therefore standing and laying on my sides less. When that happens the fatigue in all these muscles should hopefully get a proper reprieve. I also think that because of the pain history I tend to still sit in 'protect mode' a bit - after all it has been my coping mechanism for over 3 years! I am being as mindful of this as possible, really trying to drop my weight fully into the chair I am sat on and breathe. It is hard though, especially when busy and hectic with work and life etc. With time I think it will come though and the small percentage that I am holding whilst sat will drop away, also giving the pelvic muscles more reprieve. It is like teaching everything that it is OK and no need to worry - all in good time as the more your force it the more counterproductive it is.

I continue to do the yoga and swimming and generally think less about whether I should do something or not, but have not started to do anything impact related just yet. That and driving the car are two targets for this year, but with no specific timeframe placed on them. I am hoping that once we get to Spring, by when a year will have passed, the incremental improvements will be such that life is nearly back to normal - whatever that is!! More in a month when I hit the year milestone.