I am doing more though, for sure. I have started sitting in the passenger seat of the car for short periods of time, sitting on the sofa a bit in the evenings, enjoy the novelty of sitting on public transport again - and generally sitting more and more. Some days this week I sat for 3.5 hours a day in lots of 20 and 30 minute blocks. The colder damper weather recently seems to have increased the discomfort into the internal scar tissue but nothing to be too concerned by hopefully. I could perhaps sit more than I do but I am continuing with the slowly slowly approach so as to reduce the chance of a flare up and any time off work and general disappointment that a 'setback' brings.
The trigger points and discomfrort into the glutes and lower back are still kicking about and I have been having some physio to try and keep it all ironed out as much as possible. I think these will be hard to get rid of until I am sitting more and therefore standing and laying on my sides less. When that happens the fatigue in all these muscles should hopefully get a proper reprieve. I also think that because of the pain history I tend to still sit in 'protect mode' a bit - after all it has been my coping mechanism for over 3 years! I am being as mindful of this as possible, really trying to drop my weight fully into the chair I am sat on and breathe. It is hard though, especially when busy and hectic with work and life etc. With time I think it will come though and the small percentage that I am holding whilst sat will drop away, also giving the pelvic muscles more reprieve. It is like teaching everything that it is OK and no need to worry - all in good time as the more your force it the more counterproductive it is.
I continue to do the yoga and swimming and generally think less about whether I should do something or not, but have not started to do anything impact related just yet. That and driving the car are two targets for this year, but with no specific timeframe placed on them. I am hoping that once we get to Spring, by when a year will have passed, the incremental improvements will be such that life is nearly back to normal - whatever that is!! More in a month when I hit the year milestone.